Recently we were completing a workplace inspection. When we looked through the chemical storage cabinets we found substantial quantities of flammable materials. When discussing our findings with management it became clear that there was significantly more materials in the cabinets than what was expected. We discussed why this situation had developed and agreed to undertake a more detailed review to ensure their safety.
It became clear was a better understanding of the chemicals was needed by both management and the workforce. It had become too easy for staff to order chemicals without consideration for the implications to the business.
As explained to the management; insurers tend to put limits on flammable storage inside the workplace and these limits had been exceeded. In the event of a fire having too many flammables inside would not only potentially add to the fire load but may well provide the insurers with an excuse not to pay out.
So could this happen in your workplace and do you know what substances you are storing? The problem is too many businesses fail to control hazardous substances properly. We find across many businesses that we audit, that safety controls for hazardous substances far too often fall below the standards required
We think the main problem is that many just don’t understand the risks of the substances that are being used; which is not surprising given the poor quality of information often provided by the manufacturer. Just ask your workforce how many of them understand the safety data sheets you are given. We bet the answer is not many if any at all understand them.
So what should you do? We would highly recommend you complete a full COSHH audit and ask yourself do you really need all of the substances you have. Also ask if you are you both using them and storing them as safely as is possible; remember to look at any restrictions your insurer may have.
Need help then why not talk to MESH as we have done this for many businesses across the U.K.