We find it amazing that businesses want their employees to comply with health & safety when it suits and yet turn a blind eye when they think it gives them competitive advantage. This view in the long run is bound to lead to problems, as invariably it just creates confusion. What is the workforce supposed to think when new rules are implemented but they are not properly explained or no training takes place?
What makes it worse is when senior management refuse to comply with the basic safety rules! In the last couple of months we have visited a number of clients where risk controls are mandatory for all, but some of the directors. Sound familiar? Well in our experience it should because it happens far too often. Why is it that in a factory where fork lift trucks are constantly moving around and there is a lot of machinery operating that only the directors should wander about without safety footwear?
It makes nonsense of telling everyone that the workplace is hazardous and that PPE must be worn and to not lead by example! It’s like telling your kids you have to wear a safety helmet when riding a bike and then not doing so yourself; what is the child likely to do? Of course they will think it is acceptable not too and will not want to wear something that could potentially save their life if they had a fall. This same analogy applies to your workers, they will think well if the boss is not wearing it why should I?
We believe if a control is worthy of being introduced it really must apply to everyone and not be seen as, do as I say and not as I do. Otherwise when is goes wrong and it is highly likely it will, what is your businesses defence going to be in court?