You’ve messed up, it happens.
But fear not, everyone makes mistakes and at least you can take solace in the fact that your mistake is nowhere near as bad as this lot!
When it comes to getting it wrong, messing up, not reading the game, throwing the baby out with the bath water, or cutting off the nose to spite the face, we think those 25 muck-ups will take some beating.
Of course, it’s all about perspective. Dwelling on one small error is a waste of time that could cost your business more money and time than the error itself. The key is to learn from what has happened and move on; we train managers to understand the importance of this. You don’t have crystal balls and therefore you won’t identify all the things that could go wrong in your risk assessments; but when armed with information then you need to take positive action.
So, how can you avoid mistakes? You can’t—they’ll always happen; if not because of you, then it’ll be because of a member of your team, or a sub-contractor, or the cleaner!
Forward planning and preparation is a huge part of any business—it helps give you an idea of where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, and what hurdles you might come across. That’s what effective risk assessment helps you to achieve; so rather than see it as a chore or just a means to meet legal compliance think again.
We know that at times you will most likely slip up, or take a wrong turn, it’s then you should try to turn the negative into a positive: learn from it, move on, and keep going!