We have provided Workplace Risk Assessments for clients across the UK

A quick summary of how we can help

Know you need to undertake risk assessments in your business but don’t know where to start; or maybe your company just does not have the time or the competence to complete the assessments.

Problem solved: we can help you to keep your company safe from the HSE and safe in the knowledge you know what you need to do to prevent things going wrong.

We help businesses understand that not all risk has to be negative and that well thought out risk assessments can lead to the achievement of business improvements and increased profits.

Our consultants are all health and safety experts and between us we have built up a vast business experience helping businesses like yours to challenge the way you do risk assessment. Between our team we can provide over 100 years health & safety experience.

We guarantee to provide expert advice and cost effective solutions that are proportionate to your business health and safety risks. For evidence of workplace risk assessments work we’ve done please see what our customers have to say and some of our case studies.

Our guarantee to you

MESH clients are happy clients.

We provide highly professional Risk Assessment services that guarantee you will if following our guidance; have control over your workplace risks and provide a safe & healthy workplace. This will mean you will never have to worry about a visit from the HSE.

Our guarantee is that, in the unlikely event of any negative contact from the HSE, we will be available (free) to support you in your response. All we ask is that you have followed and implemented the Risk Assessment recommendations that we make as part of our work for you.


Costs of Workplace risk assessments vary depending on the type and size of organisations, the number of processes and the variations in tasks that need to be assessed.

As a guideline, fees for work recently undertaken have ranged from as little as £650 to £5,275 to develop the required level of compliance for individual organisations needs.

We believe our pricing is very competitive but we don’t compromise on quality and you can be assured that our assessments will prove to be a benefit to your business. We would expect you to shop around for quotations but would encourage you to check what level of service is being provided. Ask yourself whether you getting an assessment that will make a long-term difference to the health and safety of your staff and your business.

If in any doubt, please do contact us without obligation.

Your options

MESH can offer a range of Workplace risk assessment options to organisations throughout the UK:

  1. We undertake a full series of Workplace risk assessments of your operations at a single or multiple sites throughout the UK.
  2. We undertake Workplace risk assessments for specific operations within your organisation.
  3. We can train an individual or a team of risk assessors in your business to undertake Workplace risk assessment and provide support to ensure the assessments meet the suitable and sufficient criteria required by the HSE.

What we provide is legislative Workplace risk assessment compliance for your business, which is a fundamental requirement placed upon all businesses not matter what industry type.

Where we work

MESH carry out Workplace Risk Assessments for companies in a diverse range of industries throughout the UK.

Our Head Office is in Kent, with regional offices located in London, The Home Counties, The Midlands, and The North East.
Mesh Consultants are here to make health & safety easy for you. Let us know about your challenge.

About Workplace Risk Assessments

Your business is required by law to carry out health and safety risk assessments, to record significant findings, and identify these to their staff. The Management regulations require employers to examine what could cause harm to people from their work or workplace, and to identify whether enough precautions have been taken to reduce the risks to an acceptable level.

It makes good business sense to approach your risk assessments in as broad a way as possible and consider all risks (e.g. environmental and health & safety). A risk assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well as complying with the law. It helps you focus on the risks that really matter in your workplace – the ones with the potential to cause real harm.

The law does not expect you to eliminate all risk, but you are required to protect people as far as ‘reasonably practicable’. Accidents and ill health can ruin lives and affect your business too if output is lost,machinery is damaged, insurance costs increase or you have to go to court. The law does however require you to ensure that your assessments are suitable and sufficient.

You are legally required to assess the risks in your workplace so that you put in place a plan to control the risks. One element of achieving this is that the assessors must have an understanding of what the law requires, in order to determine what are satisfactory precautions.