As can be seen in our previous blogs on DSE assessment we believe many businesses fail to understand the health risks to their staff from working with computers. Yet HSE figures tell us that this is a very real problem and one that could lead to significant absence time if not responded to promptly. Many businesses also fail to realise that illnesses such as RSI can be reportable under RIDDOR.
So what should a business be doing to protect the long term health of its workforce who routinely use display screen equipment (computers etc)? The DSE regulations 1992 make it very clear that the starting point is risk assessment and the HSE has for a long time suggested that the first step can be through self assessment (a document which can be downloaded from the HSE). However for the self assessment approach to work then clearly the staff undertaking the assessment must understand the risks; this is why training is also needed.
Our experience has shown us that too often businesses look to use an approach that keeps assessment costs to a minimum and only call in expert help from us (MESH consultants) once a problem has become evident. At this stage we can certainly help to make improvements but recovery from an RSI type injury often requires much more than changing the workstation set up and can require treatment and time to recover.
So how can a business find a cost effective and time efficient solution to this problem? Working with various on-line solution providers over the last few years has led MESH to recommend the Essential Skillz ErgoWise system . This system provides both the training and an intuitive risk assessment approach to help keep the workforce healthy and safe.
Results of the businesses who have worked with Essential Skillz has shown a successful 85% self closure rate on problems raised through the assessment process. This clearly provides excellent time and cost savings to the businesses.
Because we believe in the benefits of this system MESH has secured an agreement to work directly with smaller businesses to provide access to the software. Working directly with MESH also provides businesses with access to our highly experienced DSE assessment team who can provide phone and in-house support to find solutions where complex health issues are identified.
If you want to find out more then why not take up our free trial offer