Most businesses will need to provide some level of health & safety training; whether to staff, new starters or contractors and often the starting point is induction training. Induction training is important as it sets out the expectations of the business to its staff and to its contractors and ultimately helps to keep our workplaces safe.
So then why is it that for many businesses this key activity is either just not done or is not properly thought out? A lack of time is often cited as a problem when we raise this issue with businesses; yet how much time would it take in reality and what are the consequences of not providing proper induction training?
The time needed to deliver induction training will depend on the nature of the business; its risk profile, size and what the person being trained will be doing. Clearly one size does not fit all and it is important to remember this when putting together an induction training programme; the training needs to be relevant to the persons receiving the training. For some this may well require an extensive training programme and for others it will be simply covering the basics. The important thing is to ensure the right level of training is provided where it is needed and to ensure it is well delivered.
So who is delivering your induction training and does it provide valuable information to your employees and contractors; importantly is the training being well received? Most businesses understand it’s a legal requirement to provide health & safety training; yet many seem not to consider the legal requirement to deliver it in such a way that it is understood by the persons it is delivered too.
Is it time to rethink the training your business is delivering; if you need help then why not talk to the experts in health & safety matters. At MESH we design and deliver training for a wide range of clients across the UK.