The new CDM regulations came into force on the 6th April 2015 and you might think they only apply to the construction industry. You would be very wrong.
The CDM changes will impact on most businesses and many home owners from now on as CDM has been extended to capture domestic as well as commercial dwellings. The regulations have put more emphasis on the responsibilities of the client e.g you.
The client is now more responsible for ensuring they employ competent persons and for requesting a health & safety file for the project to include safety considerations for ongoing repairs and maintenance and even through to demolition.
The role of CDMC (the CDM coordinators role) has been removed and more responsibilities have been transferred across to the principle designer e.g. Architects. Between the principle designer and principle contractor all health & safety considerations should be identified and managed throughout the project and beyond.
We have many clients who CDM has never really impacted on in the past but now will and they want to understand fully their responsibilities. In response we have developed a short training course (2-3 hours) to inform them of what the changes mean to their business.
This has helped a number to distinguish what they will need to do and provide to their clients from now on.
If CDM is worrying you why not give us a call to discuss how you can learn more about what changes your business needs to make and how CDM will impact your business.