Does your business properly measures its health & safety performance or are you just using the standard absence of any accidents as the key measure of performance? If you are, then have you taken the time to consider what this is really telling you about your business?
An absence of reported incidents (including those of a more serious nature) does not point to a business being safe & healthy. Yes, of course it’s good that a business is not having to RIDDOR report to the authorities, but to rely upon this as the main measure of performance is very misleading.
We have recently completed an in-depth review for a business that was in this exact place; the business had created a series of long records between lost time accidents. The problem was when one came along it tended to be of a serious nature. The business was very keen to have an independent review of what was really happening in the business. The results would have surprised some within the business.
A key recommendation for this business (and one that can be repeated by many) is to take the time to think very carefully about what key performance indicators best fit the business. It could be that better measurement of risk assessment, training outcomes, internal audits & inspections will provide more proactive measurement of how the business is performing.
So before you pat yourselves on the back about how well your business is doing; remember to think carefully about what is really going on and how you can set yourself SMART performance measures.