What did we do?

Terex Mobile Processing Equipment (or Terex MP) occupies a large industrial site on the outskirts of Omagh, County Tyrone. Facilities allow for manufacture of mobile industrial equipment to suit an extensive client base with a range of crushing, recycling or similar machines in production. Paint shop activities are a significant part of production though associated bulk storage may also incur some degree of fire and explosion risk unless ventilation and ignition controls are adequate.

The key objective of this visit was to determine whether paint shop operations are subject to duties within DSEAR and to comment on relevant hazards and control measures employed. Supporting information was provided by site operatives and Aidan Devlin (Health and Safety Officer)- who advised that ongoing arrangements at the time of survey were typical.

It was identified that levels of paint deposits were significant on floors and filter housings etc. Terex did provide evidence that comprehensive cleandown is arranged periodically.

It is important to appreciate that flammable (or harmful) vapours may still be generated from such deposits and thus detracts from vapour clearance times. DSEAR zone classification is affected if such hazards persist as it is not easy to limit impact solely to periods of spray application.

What the client said

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