What did we do?

The main purpose of the site survey was to determine whether any areas were subject to risk assessment and the duties contained within the Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmosphere Regulations (DSEAR) – and to comment on the ongoing hazards and control measures. The survey and report also identified what zoning arrangements were needed across the site operations.

Where the likelihood of fire and explosion risk is identified due to use of a dangerous substance, DSEAR requires that a formal risk assessment is then carried out and recorded. It also requires that risk should be eliminated or reduced; that procedures and equipment be available to deal with emergencies; and, that employees be provided with appropriate information and training.

Importantly, areas where hazardous explosive atmospheres may occur must be classified into zones – depending upon likelihood of an explosive atmosphere and its persistence. The zones must be protected from sources of ignition and recognised entry points must be clearly marked with ‘EX’ signs.

What the client said

Thank you for your DSEAR report it all appears to be excellent and of course we have already implemented some of the changes that you mention.

P Tobin

Project Info


EJ Group





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